The NECESSITY OF REFORMULARIZATION OF the MENTAL HEALTH IN BRAZIL WITH APPROACH IN the SERVICES Lvia SUBSTITUTES Oliveira Bevilacqua Graduated Occupational Therapy for the Pontifical University Catholic of Campinas? PUC in Campinas – SP Summary: The article will approach as called ultimate issue ' ' services substitutivos' ' thought for the beginning of the Psychiatric […]
Read the rest of this entry »Nov 18
Jul 01
Hospitals And Occupational Risks
Occupational risks in the Hospital Net Introduction: According to Fields and Gutierrez (2005), the inserted professionals in the group of health workers, present organic riots caused by the type of activity that carry through in its daily one, where determined activities favor the appearance of certain illnesses that are characteristic of the profession. Due to […]
Read the rest of this entry »Feb 23
Hospital Friend
Study carried through with mothers of interned premature babies in UTI Neonatal it verified that, these mothers to get success in the maintenance of the lactation during this period, are necessary that they feel insurances, have orientation and support of the family and the professionals of health (HISSES AND HISSES, 2008). In this context, the […]
Read the rest of this entry »Feb 04
Portuguese Language
37 For evaluation of the UPP risk the scales of Braden and Glasgow in the patients admitted in the UTI had been applied, the same ones had been applied in 24 hours, to analyze conditions of the skin and neurological level, the patients had been submitted the systematic evaluations of the conditions of the neurological […]
Read the rest of this entry »Jan 14
Social Interaction
Harmed social Interaction related the thought processes disturbed, evidenced for familiar story of change of the interaction. inefficacious Standards of sexuality related to the fear to acquire sexually transmissible illnesses, evidenced for story of changes in the sexual behaviors. inefficacious Maintenance of the related health the inefficacious familiar confrontation, evidenced for incapacity to assume the […]
Read the rest of this entry »Jan 14
Regional Hospital
Of exploration, descriptive character of quantitative boarding, the study it was carried through in the month of October of 2010, in which we got as resulted a high contingent of professionals who do not receive qualification periodic, are unaware of the place of temporary storage of the residues and they do not know to classify […]
Read the rest of this entry »Oct 02
Federal Constitution
Thus, when leading this analysis for the Brazilian reality, if sees a health public of bad quality, that is looked only by the people who do not possess no Plan of Health, although the positive advances that if she got since the Federal Constitution of 1988, detaching the year of 1990, in which if she […]
Read the rest of this entry »Dec 10
Serpent Sin
But the Author of the life not if of the one for looser, promises to restore the conviviality with them, putting the descent of the woman and of the Serpent in open conflict. The descent of the woman is the ones that believe in Jesus Christ and live eticamente. These had opted to living joined […]
Read the rest of this entry »Dec 13
Amongst the nursing lapsings they meet: to help the patient with physical exercises, to demonstrate transference techniques and as to use objects of support for its mobilization, to direct the team of whitewashing (DOENGES; MOORHOUSE; GEISSLER, 2003). 2,5 OSTEOMIELITE clinical and pathological Condition characterized by ssea inflammation, unchained mainly for infection of bacterial origin. The […]
Read the rest of this entry »Nov 19
The mercury in the human beings present in is determined acceptable degree for the organism, as well as in the plants and the animals in general, but when the concentrations of this product exceed the values normally gifts the nature, it in such a way has the risk of contamination of the environment how much […]
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