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   Feb 04

Portuguese Language

37 For evaluation of the UPP risk the scales of Braden and Glasgow in the patients admitted in the UTI had been applied, the same ones had been applied in 24 hours, to analyze conditions of the skin and neurological level, the patients had been submitted the systematic evaluations of the conditions of the neurological skin and daily for the Nurse, and accompaniment of the one until the UPP incidence. The 37 authors had evaluated the patients interned in the UTI, evidenced seventy UPP in thirty patients having been that forty, (57.1%), were of period of training I and thirty (42.9%), of period of training II. The corporal regions where the UPP had been more frequent had been the calcneo with twenty and five (35.7%), of the UPP, the sacral with sixteen (22.9%), and region spikes with twenty (12.9%). The risk factors associates to the UPP development had been: the basses you prop up of the scale of Braden in first the 24 hours, and the basses you prop up of the scale of Glasgow. The results had confirmed that these data evidenced in the admission can assist the Nurse in the identification of the risk and plan the injunctions. 29 After the research the authors of this article, conclude that the identification of the risk and the use of the writs of prevention recommended as ' ' best prticas' ' they can promote to the reduction of the UPP incidence, make it difficult its aggravation and prevent returns, as well as favoring the cicatrizao of the injuries gifts improving the quality of the assistance of nursing and the service of health as one todo..37 Comparing with a research that tells to the experience of a group of intensivistas Nurses of the University Hospital Regional North of the Paran (HURNP), whose resulted it collaborated for the elaboration of a protocol for the prevention of UPP being used Escala de Braden and guide of mediated preventive of UPP.29 This protocol was made up of: ) Terms of identification of the patient; b) Suitable EB to the Portuguese Language; c) Illustrative picture emphasizing the susceptible areas to the UPP; d) Register of the alterations of the skin of the patient following the periods of training of classification of UPP considered for NPUAP, in 1989; e) Space delimited for the notations of the values of hemoglobina; f) Guide of measures preventivas.29 After application of the protocol, the authors of this evaluated research, had pointed ahead that the experience in elaborating a protocol that manages the risk of UPP in UTI, and the same being elaborated by assistencial group of Nurses, demonstrates to the concern this adversity ahead, beyond being elaborated a plan of care of the reality experience for the team, thus providing the growth and with respect to each professional of the multiprofessional team, with repercussions in the improvement of the quality of the assistance given in patient of UTI.29 In an inquiry applied in the UTI of the Hospital Regional College student of the North of the Paran in 2002, involving 51 critical patients without UPP, of these twenty and nine had been considered of risk in accordance with the instituted protocol.

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