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Archive for June, 2013

   Jun 30

Colon Health

You’ve probably heard the dramatic phrase death begins in the Colon, it is really very strong, but I must say that is almost literally true that statement, and this is what we are going to change for your well-being. Many prominent practitioners of the healing arts believe that all disease begins in the colon, in […]

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   Jun 24

World Health Organization

Milk calcium is more comparable to that in other products already that its content of vitamin D and lactase help the optimal use of the same. Milk without cholesterol despite being a food animal, not only is added with omega 3 fatty acids, but in its production process, has been replaced by animal fat vegetable […]

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   Jun 18

Clinical Nutrition

This article can be a surprise for you, especially if you follow a diet healthy and nutritious it is pizza, the weakness of many people including me. I love pizza, clear that eat me it in moderation, but it is still one of my favorite foods (first Argentine roast still getting it) now there is […]

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   Jun 14

Numerous Benefits

It is likely that people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity have heard of teff. It is an energy grain that anyone should consider adding to your diet. Teff is the main ingredient of the engera in Ethiopia and Eritrea, which consists of a fermented bitter taste flat cake. Used with the wot, which is […]

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   Jun 08

Lose Weight Healthily

Who doesn’t want results fast and effective, when the time to start a diet without neglecting health?. This means to lose weight healthily. Then… We follow the first diet that we see posted in fashion magazine. We do the letter everything he says there, we eat food and the exact amounts, in exact times .tal […]

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