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   May 13

Psychiatric Reformation

Centers of Reference in Mental Health, detaching a topic to paraexplicar the functioning of the CERSAMs, its beddings, its sprouting, sualgica, its distribution in Belo Horizonte, among others aspects. finally, this article treats to define the terms: Net of Mental Health and quality due. Word-keys: desospitalizao, patient, mental health, Antimanicomial Fight,> ReformPsiquitrica, Movement of the Workers in Mental Health, CERSAM, psychiatry, psychologists, family, quality of life, services substitutes, Laws, lunatic asylum. Introduction It is necessity before presenting contedode the Psychiatric Reformation and Antimanicomial Fight, introducing a brief dahistria story of madness. At a first moment, the religious power ea persuasion of the philosophers prepondered on seeming of the medicine.

Eramconsiderados wild all those that presented some type of comportamentodesviante of the normal standards taxes for the society. As example of this barbrie possible to relate: chemical alcoholics, dependents, homosexuals, single jovensmes, amongst other judgeships socially as desarazoados. Loucuraera considered a madness (reason absence) and the treatment form was involuntary porinternao in human lunatic asylums that truily were as depsitosde. In these places the people were not dignified, not exerciamcidadania and entered stop never more to leave. At as a moment, the madness eraaprisionada for knowing doctor and already was considered as illness.

The mdicopodia to only say if the patient one were or not wild. The patients were treated emHospitais Psychiatric and had its rights of free individual, but they aindaeram submitted the practical Barbarians, such as eletrochoques and ' ' sossega-lees' '. At one third moment, it had diligent despertardos in mental health that they had determined to finish with the instituiopsiquitrica and to take to the patient a form more human being of survival, comosujeito of right, that is, as subject biopsicossocial, therefore only thus seriapossvel to have mental health. The objective age to create new devices detratamento to extinguish the psychiatric lunatic asylums and hospitals and to assimestreitar the bows between the patient, the family and the society.

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