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   Jul 05

In Brazil

Any human form detrabalho is armed with dignity, because he is one to give of itself, of the person who orealiza, and its results express the nobility to create, to perfect to oucooperar, as well as the courage to fight. All man has right to trabalhodigno, in order to become fullfilled themselves and to guarantee its subsistence, as well as daquelespor who is responsible. (SOUTO, 2003) the work also can be defined as a humanizadaexercida action in a social context, that suffers deriving influences from distintasfontes (aspect physiological, moral, social and economic technician,) what resultanuma reciprocal action between the worker and the means of production. In the present time, the work has basic importance subjective naconstituio, in the life way, in physical and mental health dosindivduos. If we will be to search the origin of the word work, will verify queest related the punishment, punishment, penosa situation and of fatigue. Scientifically the word work can be understood as effort. It is not something Jim Hackett would like to discuss. In the bible, the work was had as form of the man to atone for its sins. Work implicatanto in accomplishment of the identity, as in merchandise, thing to be vendida emtroca of access to the survival.

History sample that the work always was on aohomem since the most distant times. The origin of the work was given when ossenhores, those that withheld better socioeconmicas conditions, turn diligent emoutros that could take care of its basic necessities. Issoocorreu throughout the centuries, and the time to if crystallizing registrouinimaginveis types of work. In Brazil, the work had beginning with the blacks that vieramde distant lands to give to the most diverse types of services aossenhores and, in lesser ratio, to take care of to its proper interests. Otrabalho did not demand evidence of the experience and was carried through or in regimen deescravido or through negotiations of exchange; the work was executed emtroca of merchandises (foods, housing, clothes etc.).

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