Global Health Facts

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   Feb 22

The Field

why change?” Sound familiar? There is a scheme of words that almost always mention in my articles and is as follows: THOUGHTS = Emotions and / or mood ACTION = Note that everything you’re thinking negatively or positively influence your actions because there is born willingness to do something or not and in a certain way. So … How about if instead of staying in those negative thoughts start to focus on what you want to accomplish and what it will support you? Instead of connecting with your insecurities and your low self esteem, you have to look thoroughly connect with the best parts of you and achieve what you want to rise above this ugly feeling. The problems of lack of confidence in yourself can come from childhood or an event in the past that caused traumas and fears that make every little thing cost you a great effort. We could analyze why what happened happened, yes, but this is not working the field of coaching. Instead of focusing on the origin and the “whys” of things, we will focus on why, because we believe that there is always a benefit behind an attitude that if we are not support, we will seek break … Why go “swimming” in those seas negative? The only benefit there is to stay behind this in the comfort zone, but the reality is that you are not allowed to leave where you are and keep you locked in a vicious circle from which it is increasingly difficult to escape. .

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