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   May 17

Suplemental Health

For collection of data of the notification fiches proper form was elaborated an instrument/and all the supplied data had been refined and organized in form of graphs and tables and the results of the research are organized through statistical reports. The intitled project of research ‘ ‘ The immunization against the meningoccica illness in Curitiba-PR: an impact for the reduction of morbi-mortalidade’ ‘ with register in the CEP of the institution n 0772-09, was evaluated in plenria meeting in 30 of November of 2009, being approved for being in accordance with the norms techniques established for Resolution 196/96 of the Health department. QUARREL OF the RESULTS After the approval in the Committee of ethics and Research, was initiated the collection of data. Being adopted the following criterion for election of participant citizens of this research: Children hospitalized with diagnosis of Meningoccica Illness ; Diagnosis confirmed for clinical examination and laboratories examinations. Analysis was carried through retrospect (2009) of all the Fiches of Inquiry and Notification for infectum-contagious illness, Meningite. Chosen teams only the fiches with I aggravate of Meningoccica Illness in the year of 2009.

The relative data the cost had been verified in the SAME. Although the collected data to be only of the SUS, were possible to get in such a way given referring the payments effected by the SUS as of Plans of Suplemental Health, in accordance with the adopted therapeutical projects. The results in this research are divided in two parts: data epidemiologists of Meningite and Doena Meningoccica in the Paran and Curitiba PR; Costs of internment for Meningoccica Illness. Data 1.Dados Epidemiologists Epidemiologists of Meningite and Doena Meningoccica in the Paran. The Paran is one of the 27 federative units of Brazil. He is situated in the South region of the country.

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