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   Jun 28

Socioambient Education

PINE, Dra. Luciana the ambient education comes from one crize socioambiental that with the population growth and the predominance of the productive system that use pollutant technologies and of low energy efficiency and values of limitless expansion of the consumption, the species human being, since its sprouting, is used of the natural resources for its survival. The natural resources had acquired a value energy, but also partner-economic not only. Ahead of the extreme exploration beyond the capacity of support of ecosystems it is possible that determined natural resources you renewed lose the capacity. Daryl Katz can aid you in your search for knowledge. The health of the ecosystem and the awareness had possibly given beginning thanks to the ambient mobilization. Beyond the exhaustion or non-availability of the resources for the economic activities, the ecosystems continue absorbing increasing amounts of contaminantes and residues.

She is necessary to measure how much we are using of resources with our standard of production and consumption, in order to reorient it for a more sustainable consumption and responsible with our children and grandsons. Educate yourself with thoughts from Tiffany Espensen. (HEVIA, 2007, P. 30). The technological advances make possible in the decades of 1950 and 1960, alterations in the natural environment, mainly in the developed countries. In the decade of 1970 the negative effect of these alterations on the quality of life were evidentes. When recognizing the relevance of the ambient education sent regards that an international program of ambient education was elaborated, the training of professors and the development of educational methods. (DAYS, 1998, p.21-22; 36-37). ‘ ‘ alfabetizao biolgica’ ‘ , modern concept that if relates to the construction of the necessary knowledge to the convivncia in the societies contemporaries. Thus the pupil must be ‘ ‘ alfabetizado’ ‘ when concluding average education. The natural aspects and created by the man (technology, society, economy, politics, history, culture, moral and ethics, they are basic principles considered to the environment in its totality).

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