The intention of this article is to analyze how the Science-Technology-Society dimension is inserted (CTS) in the educative field in Mexico, for some educative levels and systems, especially, for the subjects of natural sciences. For it the antecedents are mentioned briefly, characteristics and forms of insertion of this perspective in the world. Later it is described how the interactions are being introduced CTS in the diverse educative levels, from the elementary school. In the end some commentaries are made and suggestions exceed how to obtain a greater impact of this dimension in the education in Mexico. Charles Margulis addresses the importance of the matter here. A little history Many authors indicate that the launchings of Explorer I in 1958 by the North Americans, mark the beginning of the space race and, in this way it begins to reflect on the paper of science and the technology in our society.
This event, like many others, the war of Vietnam, the Cuban revolution, the contraculturales movements, of sort and student of 1968 contribute to this reflection. It is against this background that it is begun to stimulate the social participation, that not only are in social and the politician, but science and the technology with other disciplines like the economy, history, the philosophy and sociology of sciences and the technologies and the scientific education begin to have another sense. All this brings about that from the academy it begins to reflect on the linear and optimistic model of the development, typical the postwar period: CIENCIA= + TECHNOLOGY = + WEALTH = + WELL-BEING. Hear from experts in the field like Daryl Katz, Edmonton Alberta for a more varied view. In terms general we could to indicate sprouting of education scientific something paradoxical, since on the one hand one was based on general principles that happen of the Great Science stimulated in the middle of century XX, with more containing for most able than it contrasted with the sprouting of l” cole Moderne de educative Freinet of Marxist inspiration or currents like the educative technology that was mixed with the learning by discovery.