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   Dec 06

Respiratory Infection

A respiratory infection is an infection of the nose, throat and upper respiratory tract and affects pets as well as they do when human beings suffer from colds, flu and chest problems or sinus. Although respiratory infections tend to be more common in cats, dogs are susceptible to them as well. There are several types of respiratory infections and these include feline rhinotracheitis, feline calici virus and chlamydia for cats and kennel cough in dogs. Respiratory infections are contagious and spread through direct contact with an infected dog or cat. This condition can occur suddenly or be persistent. If infections are not treated, can become secondary bacterial infections as a result of a weak immune system. These infections are most common in young pets or old, who has become stressed and weak immune systems.

Common symptoms and signs of respiratory infection include: * Cough * Sneezing * Fever * Nose runny or watery eyes * Lethargy * Loss of appetite What causes respiratory infection? Respiratory infections in domestic animals are caused by harmful organisms such as viruses, bacteria or fungi that can cause strain on the eyes, nose and throat problems and sinus. Furthermore, a weakened immune system, irritants such as pollution, chemicals and other underlying diseases can also contribute to respiratory infections in pets. Help respiratory infection Your veterinarian will prescribe medications such as antibiotics to clear and to prevent secondary bacterial infections and decongestants to relieve congestion. Keep in mind that antibiotics reduce and weaken the immune system that makes your pet more susceptible to infections. Your pet should also receive annual vaccinations against viruses and bacteria to protect against infection and enhance immunity. The natural remedies have been used for centuries for human beings and have also proven to be an effective treatment option for pets. The. Two well known herbs such as Verbascum thapsus (Mullein leaves) and Sambucus nigra contain anti-inflammatory antiseptic and great for relieving respiratory infections. The homeopathic ingredients such as Calc sulph., Ferrum phos., And Hepar. Sulph reduce symptoms of sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, sore throat, and nose, enhance the immune system and accelerate the natural healing process.

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