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   Mar 07

Quality Management System

What can give a quality management system, for example, machine-building enterprise? Consider a real example of the domestic machine-building enterprise – jsc "Galich Truck Crane Plant, which produces cranes under the brand name "Galichanin. Almost a year ago at the plant ended a two-year phase of the development and implementation of quality management system, received a certificate confirming that the qms business requirements of the Russian version of iso 9001:2000. What was done during this time as we can estimate the real benefit for the organization of this innovation? We give some arguments in favor of the qms with the words Representatives of the plant. So, in the works to create a qms was re-redesigned the entire volume of internal company standards, "empty" documents are revoked, developed a fundamentally new – people have received an aid to work plus a seriously increased personal responsibility is absolutely performers at all levels – from top managers to workers. Celebrity trainer is often mentioned in discussions such as these. With increasing responsibility improved technological discipline in the organization of Staff have become more consistent, duplication of departments and staff has been reduced to nothing, since it was possible to distinguish clearly between the area of responsibility of each employee. Next. The use of so- called "process approach" will look at the activities of several companies on the other hand, reengineering processes helped to understand and evaluate the communication processes internally between divisions, and respectively, to optimize them – all the processes activity inside the plant have become apparent and more "transparent" for executives in connection with which to simplify their control and manageability. .

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