The word ‘ ‘ Nomos’ ‘ dogrego originates. One mentions to it law, uses and customs related to the origin, as much of umafamlia how much of a city. ‘ ‘ nomos’ ‘ relciona, therefore with ogrupo social. The patrimony can be understood, therefore, as the legacy deuma generation or of a social group for another one.
In turn the word Memory originates from the Grego’ ‘ mnemis’ ‘ ‘ ‘ memoria’ ‘. In both the cases apalavra denotes meant of concervao of a souvenir. One is about umtermo present and used by some sciences being absorbed by the historiogrficas novascorrentes. For the Greeks the memory was re-covered of one halode deity, therefore ‘ was mentioned to it; ‘ Mnemosyne goddess, mother of the Muses, queprotegem the arts and histria’ ‘ (CHAUI, 2005, P. 138). In accordance with M.
Chaui ‘ ‘ memory is a dopassado mandate. It is the capacity human being to hold back and to keep the time that if was, saving it of the total loss. The souvenir conserves what it was and will noretornar jamais’ ‘ (CHAU, 2005, P. 138). To illustrate this the author narraa legend of Simnides, saved of an accident where innumerable people had died. As the unrecognizable deceased had been Simnides can identify them thanks to ‘ ‘ art of memria’ ‘ of a poem, dedicated to the muses and deuses. In funodessa ‘ ‘ evocao’ ‘ our society preserves cultural, memorable elements, in places called ‘ ‘ museus’ ‘ , the house of the muses. In principle we can say that dospatrimnios history is a science and of the memory. E, why not to say? inside of a correntepositivista, it was understood and had as a science of monuments. From there afrequente use of the concept ‘ ‘ patrimony histrico’ ‘ relating-sea to some monument architectural of a society or a social group, from there, also the vision of history associated with the heroes.