The original Korean jade thermal massage found surrounded by greenery and nature not in a busy and bustling shopping street, but in Dresden-Klotzsche. The original Korean jade thermal massage found surrounded by greenery and nature not in a busy and bustling shopping street, but in Dresden-Klotzsche. Jade thermal massage: Wellness and relaxation for the back jade thermal massage: far eastern and European methods of jade thermal massage: health and well-being jade thermal massage: wellness and health consultation Dresden. The customer experienced the original Korean jade thermal massage with jade-thermal massage Birgit Ebermann in Dresden in a most cherished and lovingly arranged environment. On an island of calm and relaxation, the massage is a real spa experience. If the customer comes alone or in pairs to the massage, the recreation customer is always a welcome guest and can unwind from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and enjoy the moment of his precious time. Jade thermal massage: Wellness and relaxation for the back Back tension is a problem of our modern, civilized way of life.
With the Jade thermal massage, the customer can be inexpensively and without undressing himself actively to and minimize possible causes of back pain. A jade thermal massage is wellness for the back, the body and the soul. This massage contributes to the well-being and health, and is a popular means to find peace and balance. Jade thermal massage: Far eastern and European methods the Jade thermal massage in Dresden-Klotzsche is a perfect combination of several applications tailored to each other in a massage only and is based on the findings of far eastern and European methods. Along the spine, warm jade balls massage the tense muscles, at the same time, the discs be relieved through the gentle stretching and stimulates the regeneration.
Detoxifying the body stimulates the acupressure of the so-called body points along the bladder Meridian and the targeted stimulation of the foot zone. In addition, two more parts of the body are with Deep heat stimulates. So the energy cycle will be closed and the exhaustion can subside. Additional aroma stimulation with 100% natural essential oils and a color stimulation round off the massage experience and contribute to the well-being. Jade thermal massage: Health and wellbeing regularly applied the Jade thermal massage to relax the tensed back muscles and improved mobility contributes. Deep relaxation and stress relief, as well as the setting of a harmonious flow of energy can improve the vitality and performance. Underserved intervertebral discs can absorb nutrients back to the metabolism activated and the regeneration of the exhausted cells can be stimulated. Jade thermal massage: Wellness and health consulting jade-thermal massage Birgit Ebermann in Dresden-Klotzsche offer a special service around the health of all interested customers for back, legs and joints. These include jade special plus massages, holistic treatments and massages, as well as holistic Advice. Information online more information about jade-thermal massage Birgit Ebermann, the Jade thermal massage in Dresden, further offers from the areas of wellness and health, as well as the possibility to purchase individual coupons are available online at