In Emergency highly skilled medical professionals are working, great drivers and superkinologi. It is clear that the profession of rescue – a huge responsibility. Should be able to make decisions on which depends the fate of many people and be responsible for their actions. Rescuers – a lifestyle, mindset, way of existence, it – like-minded people who have come together not for gain. Let us prepare for each lifeguard present. And let these gifts will be warmed our care, warmth and gratitude to people who are always ready to help.
Thus, the ten warmest Gifts: Wool plaid or slippers made of sheep -termos.Sharfik, cap and for manufacturing svechey. coated with their logo of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES). Warmer "Heart" in the knitted cover red in color, pattern-serdechkom.Spasateli – gay people, despite the severe and serious business they are engaged. Therefore, the last two gifts from the list may be especially the way:) After all, despite the seriousness of profession, humorous situations in their work, too, happen. For example, an elderly woman from the Scottish city of Riyadh has caused rescuers to the heroes of the movie "High Seas", seen her on tv. Luiz Ildefonso Simões Lopes gathered all the information. The film has a scene where the scuba diving a couple of shark attack. The woman took what is happening on the screen for the real event and called the emergency services.
The nearest coast were directed rescue boat, helicopter and a rescue squad. A French rescue workers had to be evacuated from the high-speed passenger train with a toilet, where he had fallen in an attempt to get a mobile phone, stuck his hand inside the device. And, if you believe the media, with similar stories toilets come in virtually every country, so that the subject fit to hold international workshops to exchange experience:) Joking aside, but each of us knows that the clock lifeguards are on duty and their confidence in their willingness to break the alarm off and rush to the rescue. They first appear at the forefront of the struggle with the elements. Express their gratitude. And sincerely wish you good health, happiness, luck, fortitude, courage and, of course, courage!