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   May 25

Healthy Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an important item in the diet, and many foods that are rich in carbohydrates are rich in fiber and phytonutrients. Good carbohydrates are fruits, vegetables and some whole grains. The need of carbohydrates with five to nine servings consumption must satisfy abreast of various kinds of fruits and vegetables, which are rich in substances beneficial to the organism. If you need more carbohydrates, you should consume it in the form of whole grains and pulses (e.g., beans) and satisfy those needs. The concept of low-carbohydrate diet restricts the grams of carbohydrate at a so low level that people who follow these diets may not get many of the health benefits that offer fruits and vegetables. Carbohydrates make up atoms of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, without any nitrogen, and are broken down into sugars, such as glucose and fructose, or excreted from the body without having been digested.

Those excreted without having been digested carbohydrates or those that are digested completely or partially by bacteria in the colon they are known as dietary fibres. Hidden simple sugars simple sugars are glucose, fructose, lactose and sucrose. These are called sugars on food labels, while the so-called complex carbohydrates are not included on the labels despite their similarities to simple sugars. Simple sugars can be directly absorbed through the mucous membranes of the mouth. However, short, such as maltodextrin or dextrose-chain carbohydrates, composed of 15 units of glucose, are hydrolyzed in the stomach by enzymes and acids into simple sugars. Often these foods are called complex carbohydrates on food labels, but they act as sugars.

The digestion of starches begins in the mouth thanks to the presence of salivary amylase. As in the case of proteins, most of digestion occurs in intestinal mucosa of jejunal, have digestive enzymes as specific transport systems for sugars. The lactose and sucrose are the combination of two interconnected different sugars.

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