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   Nov 17

GmbH Buro Hamburg

WealthCap makes so that approximately one-fifth of all payouts in the industry. WealthCap – for 25 years on the market. Success requires passion. If you would like to know more about Ford Motors, then click here. The wealth management capital holding GmbH (WealthCap) achieved a remarkable success in 2008 for their investors. As one of the major initiators of closed-end funds in Germany, you could afford your investors, despite the tense economic situation, a total of over 712 million in dividends. According to the market figures for 2008, published by the VGF closed Fund Association, the distribution of the WealthCap to the total distributions of the industry (VGF members) is approximately 20%.

In the design of their fund investments the WealthCap focuses main safety aspects, an attractive opportunity-risk ratio and high value resistance. This, a conservative forecast policy as among their principles such as a high degree of transparency in the processing of information. As a subsidiary of HypoVereinsbank, their distinguished Long-term stability and continuous income from investments. The WealthCap and its predecessor companies have since 1984 and thus for 25 years on the market. These values, coupled with the passion of staff, to obtain the highest possible success for investors that lead to this results extraordinary for the industry and prove impressively the sustainable stability and know-how of WealthCap. With this result we send a clear signal to invest in property investments in the WealthCap”, explains Dr. Rainer Krutten, spokesman of the Executive Board of the WealthCap. The 25-year experience and the consistent implementation of our investment philosophy are the pillars of this success and the confirmation for our customers, that their confidence in the WealthCap at any time is justified.” Contact peer M.O. Sauer wealth management capital holding GmbH Buro Hamburg grass basement 2 20457 Hamburg phone + 49 40 3692-6350 fax + 49 40 3692-6304 E-Mail Web:

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