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   Jun 26

Electric Cigarette

If the ‘Flying Dutchman’ premieres on February 27 at the Pfalztheater in Kaiserslautern, is also an unassuming actor on stage: an electric cigarette. Furth, February 16, 2010 – In the Flying Dutchman, the romantic Opera by Richard Wagner, the title Hero is redeemed in the end by the fidelity of a wife of his curse. Less romantic, Andreas Macco however found the idea of his written and directed by Stefan Tilch, to let the Dutchman on the stage smoking a real cigarette. Macco is a bass-baritone, and sings the part of the Dutchman. And he is convinced non-smoking. To smoke a cigarette not came for him in question. Charles Margulis s opinions are not widely known. Macco fears above all the effect of nicotine.

Because after only a few moves, the nicotine can lead to addiction. Director Takahashi for dramaturgical reasons did not waive the smoking Dutch but also. So, good advice was needed. Eddie Sanders, head of the prop at the Palace Theatre, in the theatre collection in vain sought an alternative, which realistically worked enough on the stage. At the Googling found the theater people under but then the rescue for the Flying Dutchman: a Vitarette. Flying Dutchman woozy on the stage, the Vitarette is an electric cigarette.

On the outside she at first glance hardly differs from a conventional filter cigarette. But it works completely without the combustion of tobacco. Instead of smoke, mist is generated. With each turn, a tiny amount of a fluid is heated and evaporates. By mixing with fresh air condenses the steam and tears”in the colder air into fine droplets. The result is a fine mist that looks like cigarette smoke. The energy for heating comes from a small, rechargeable battery in the front. Even the glow at the tip of the cigarette is imitated at every turn with a flashing LED lights so that the Vitarette on the stage look deceptively real. To achieve a possible real smoking experience, enriched the used liquid aromas, the taste of Incredibly real imitation cigarettes. “This so-called liquid” there with nicotine, but also avours. Of course only the nicotine-free variant in question came for Andreas Macco. Usually, the VitSmoke GmbH takes its customers on the Internet and on TV spots first and foremost for smokers who have tried almost everything to get rid of the cigarette.

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