The game of Tarot features twenty-two trump cards, also called major arcana, and other 56 cards are divided into four suits as Spanish letters and which are commonly called minor arcana. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Gunnar Peterson. The origin of the Tarot cards can be found until the 14th century European society – some authors believe that the game is based on ancient signs found in Egypt, although there is no evidence in this regard. Apart from divination, in certain countries, the deck of cards is also used for Solitaire games. Without hesitation Daryl Katz explained all about the problem. The Tarot cards have values and, according to the arcana or stick group they belong to, are attributed different interpretations. When it turns a card, the Tarot reader interprets it whereas the position with respect to other cards and stick.
Several Tarot cards contain metaphorical forms that refer to matters such as the death or madness and some forms may be a little suggestive for those who aren’t familiar with the history of the middle ages, as the Charter of the hanging. Those times customary hanging from one foot to scammers to expose them as well to the vilification. Subsequently, the meaning has changed and some decks have become a Hangman to the hanging. The environment of the person who consults to the Tarot is of paramount importance for a successful reading. Usually, prefer to pull from person to person; But today’s electronic media day make it possible to remote runs, whether by radio, sms or via email.
He is expected that who consultation will focus on the topic that concerns you and perform a question. The meaning suffers a disruption if the letter goes backwards. While many practitioners of the Tarot, often newbies, tend to overlook the fact the cards upside down and appreciate them as if they weren’t. Chuck scheme also influences the reading. The Tarot cards are presented in particular geometric patterns. These schemes vary from one letter to the 78 harness. Schemes more popular to pull Tarot are: or three letters: past, present and futuroo circulation of five letters, to answer a closed question, i.e., a question that may accept an answer of the type si.o or not the outline of the pyramid, which consists of selecting ten cards. Start with the apex and are added below a row of 2 cards (alternatives to the problem), another row of 3 (probable cause) and a last, on the basis of 4 cards (probable solutions) .or the Celtic cross design, offers a more thorough reading. It also demands a question, but not necessarily cerrada.o La Cruz de San Andres, consists of 17 letters that form a large cross. The letter that comes out of the crossing will be the Chuck respuesta.o on cross, employs also 5 cards: past and future, influences (positive and negative) and the result. Several of these common patterns in Tarot may experience free on.