Global Health Facts

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   Feb 09


Anthrax (ANTHRAX) etiology. Pathogen – B. anthracis, a large gram-positive rod length 5-8. Located in the crops in pairs or chains, forms a capsule in animals and spores in the environment. It grows well on ordinary nutrient media (meat-peptone broth, agar, gelatin).

Dyed with aniline dyes, and all Gram. Epidemiology. The source of infection are sick animals: sheep, cows, goats, deer, horses, camels, donkeys, buffaloes, pigs and other animals are contagious the entire period of the disease and the external environment produce anthrax in the urine, feces, saliva, while they not only pollute the soil, water, food, and leather, wool, hair, bristles, which are often the cause of human infection. Infection of human anthrax is contact, alimentary (meat, milk, sausages, etc.) and air-dust path. Predominantly infected health workers, workers tanning, hair production and slaughterhouses. During the summer, in the spread of infection may be involved and arthropods – horseflies, flies Zhigalko mites. Disease tend to occur in June – August (60-80% of the total annual morbidity). Clinic.

The incubation period lasts from several hours to 6-8 days, but usually 2-3 days. Depending on the entrance gate of infection in humans are four forms of anthrax: cutaneous, pulmonary, intestinal and generalized septic. Cutaneous. This form is most common in humans. On the open parts of the body on the spot of infection formed an itchy copper-red color, sometimes with a bluish tint spot. In future spot turns into a papule and vesicle filled with grayish first, and then bloody fluid. This transformation is accompanied by itching spots. Bubble burst, and depth is formed in the center of necrotic black scab. Around the rim crust bubbles are children who follow the same evolution. Always pronounced vast, bowl without flushing perifocal edema of the skin and fat gelatinous nature (Shakes like jelly when gently push the tangential). Characterized by extremely reduced and even numbness (anesthesia) at the site of swelling and scab in the field.

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